April Happenings!

It has been a busy month! With our transition to full days, students are working harder and playing harder! We completed some fun spring activities that got us thinking creatively, patiently, and worked our fine motor skills too! Our science exploration of three states of matter has included several experiments, careful recording in our science journals, making a hypothesis, and testing our theories.  Some of these experiments included “Peeps take a Plunge”  “Root Beer Floats Matter Exploration”  and “Better Butter.”

On the playground, students have been engaged in play and exploring many important social skills as they learn to play as part of a group, resolve conflicts with peers, solve a variety of problems, explore different roles and scenarios, take chances, try new things, find their voice, explore, experiment, imagine, stretch, and so much more! Our sandbox has been the location of castles, a play pen for stuffies, and even a “sprout garden” at one point, as students eagerly chatted with each other about what a garden looks like, and what a garden might need.  It quickly filled with sticks (for pretend plants).  This sparked the creation of two real garden areas that Ms. Martha and I have staked off and we look forward to planting after the break and learning more about what plants need to thrive.

Our sandbox area expanded with a section dedicated as a “mud kitchen.”  The hose was turned on, and students worked together filling buckets to create mud and coming up with some muddy food creations! At the moment we have a large table, a couple old plastic desks, a water bin, some kitchen bowls and utensils, and ample creativity!  We will continue to add to this area, and welcome your creative ideas!

Please enjoy these snapshots of the many amazing moments that have happened for K students in the last few weeks.


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