Remote Learning Thursday 6/11

Happy Thursday K-class.  Fathers’ Day will be here soon, on Sunday June 21st. Fathers’ Day is a holiday often observed as a day to celebrate all of the wonderful adult Males in your life, to say thank you, and let them know how important they are to you!  People you might choose to celebrate on Fathers’ Day include Dads, Step-Dads, Grandpas, Great-grandpas, Uncles, Cousins, and other important adult males in your child and family’s life!


  1. Reading: Today we have some great Fathers’ Day themed books for you to choose from! Don’t have access to one of these titles? That’s OK! Choose your favorite book (or Dad, Grandpa or an Uncle’s Favorite book) and cozy up to share a book with them! You can even share a book virtually together if you are apart! Here are some book recommendations: “The Daddy Book” by Todd Parr, 

2. Writing: It’s getting towards the end of our school year. So that gets my mind thinking on what I would like to do for the summer. Maybe you’re like me and want to go camping, maybe some of you want to spend your days by the lake, or the ocean. So I would like to know what it is that you would like to do during your summer vacation. Write down a few sentences to share.Make sure you start your sentence off with a capital/uppercase letter. Stretch those words out to get the sounds.Draw a picture to go with your sentences. Don’t forget to add action lines, speech bubbles, and details.When you are done, don’t forget to read it to a parent or sibling.

3. Social Studies/ Father’s Day:  32 Great ideas you can easily make at home! Check out the following link, I have also added some pics of my favorites here too!

4. Symphony Math: (20 min)

5. PE/ Movement: Be sure to go to Coach Sadie’s blog space to see what she has planned for you this week! 

6. Science: Today you need to go outside and EXPLORE. The trees are blooming! The flowers are up and blooming! Lots of baby birds have hatched and are just learning to fly. What can you discover in your yard? You might have baby chicks, puppies, baby goats, tadpoles. I don’t know what you will  find, but I am sure you will love it. Happy exploring. 


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