Archive | June 5, 2020

Remote Learning Friday 6/5

Happy Fun Friday K-Kids !!!!

Today you are going to be scientists, and do a fun experiment with water. You kids are always up for a challenge so I gave you one. Have fun with it.


  1. Science: For this activity you will need a pail of water. Today you will collect objects to drop in the pail. Can you find objects that you think will float on the water? Can you find items that will sink to the bottom? 

Bonus Challenge: If you have a can of diet soda, and a can of regular soda, then you drop both of the cans in the pail of water. Which can, do you think is going to sink? Which can, do you think will float?

2. Writing: If you could be a baker, and make any kind of food that you wanted, what would you bake? Cupcakes, muffins, breads, bear claws, cinnamon buns…..? Tell me with 2-3 sentences. Add a picture if you choose to. Can’t wait to see what you would bake.

3. Movement: It’s that time again to get that body moving outside. Jump, run, hop….. Get the heart muscle beating. 

4. PATHS: Click on the Following link to watch a reading of the PATHS story “The Secret Toy” a story about two friends who have an argument and then make up. Sometimes we all have disagreements, even friends, but we can learn together what to do when that happens! Great springboard for conversation with your child. Encourage them to talk about a time when the had an argument with a friend/ sibling. How did they feel? What happened? What did they do? What could you do differently next time? How did you make it better?

5. Lexia: (20 min)